Go to /home/apps/mr-toolutils/utils/enterprise.
Copy the printers file (cp printers printers.cjs) and then edit the file (vi printers)
Check the printer isn’t already in this list, then go to the bottom (G), start a new line (o) and enter the printer details in the same fashion as the others in the list. This should be:
20RR-5 unix373q FSI
Save this (:wq)
Sign on to UNIX1 as root user.
Go to /home/apps/DNS/conf and make a copy of file master.dns
Edit master.dns and add the IPaddress and
Save this, then go to /home/apps/DNS/bin (cd ../bin)
Run the script upd_dns (./upd_dns) This should update the system with the new printer.
Reflesh the named daemons by running script hupem.ksh
This replaces work detailed in next paragragh.
Refresh the named daemon. Do this by typing ps –ef|grep named to find the PID number of the daemon. Once this is known, refresh it by typing kill –1
To check this has all worked, go to any box other than unix1 and ping the printer name (ping
Now logon to the required servers where the printer is required.
Type smitty and enter
From the menu select Print Spooling and enter
From the next menu select Add a Print Queue and enter
From the displayed list select hpJetDirect and enter
From the displayed list choose the printer type required and enter.
From the next display choose the model/driver type required and enter.
From the next display choose 2. Do NOT make the the system a BOOTP/TFTP Server
On the next screen enter the name of the printer ie unix123q in the PCL field and the same in the Hostname of the Jet Direct Card
Press enter and if successful you will get the running display then ok.
F3 twice back to the menu
Often it is found that users are unable to print landscape on the printer.
It will only print on half the page.
To resolve this do the following.
Select Change / Show Print Queue Characteristics
Enter printer name just created and hit enter key.
From the displayed menu select Default Print Job Attributes
Change LINES per page from 60 to 64
Change COLUMNS per page from 80 to 180
hit enter.
F10 out.
Once back at the command prompt, type lpstat –t | grep
You can test it by sending a test printer to it by typing lp -dunixnoq testfile