How to analyse the NMON stats

First, logon to the server that you want to analyse the stats for, and cd /var/nmon_stats . ftp the file for the date(s) you need onto your PC. Due to restrictions with what can be ftp'd to where, often the easiest way to do this is to ftp the file from the box in question into your homedirectory on unix1, and then ftp it from there onto your PC.

Next, open up the NMON Analyser Spreadsheet, which can be found on the Webdocs drive under P:\unix\Interactive Pages mon mon analyser v301(GU).xls

Click on the 'Analyse nmon data' button, and then navigate to the location you placed the ftp'd file(s), and select the file you want to convert into graphical format.

You may see an error message claiming 'an error occurred during load': ignore this and click OK, and then save off the xls file ready to be viewed.

Once saved the spreadsheet will automatically open up, giving you access to a bewildering amount of data!